The SLCommands class comes with some methods that can be useful for your bot.
It is recommended to read the rest of the documentation and know how to use SLCommands before looking into these methods.
This code is for demonstration purposes only. Do not copy/paste this, it will not work.
class SLHandler {
* Add bot developers to the handler (you can add it as a property when setting up the handler instead)
public addBotDevs(...ids: string[]): this
* Add test servers to the handler (you can add it as a property when setting up the handler instead)
public addTestServers(...ids: string[]): this
* Wheter the provided database connection (if there is one) is already connected
public isDBConnected(): boolean
/** Gets the MongoDB connection */
public get mongoConnection(): Connection | null
/** The MessageHandler, this is used for built-in replies */
public get messageHandler(): MessageHandler
/** The provided test servers */
public get testServersIds(): string[]
/** The provided bot developers */
public get botDevsIds(): string[]
/** If useDefaultMessages is enabled */
public get useDefaultMessages(): boolean
/** If global testOnly is enabled */
public get testOnly(): boolean
/** If showWarns is enabled */
public get showWarns(): boolean
/** The default language for bot messages */
public get language(): SLLanguages
/** The DiscordJS client */
public get client(): Client